Costa Blanca Plans

Why book directly on our website?

Why book directly on our website?

Saving with Villas Holidays Costa Blanca "Direct Booking" is a pleasure. Nowadays there are a multitude of ways to book accommodation and enjoy a well deserved holiday, but only one is the most advantageous option. We live in a completely digitalised world, holiday...

Patron Saint Festivities in honor of the Puríssima Xiqueta

Patron Saint Festivities in honor of the Puríssima Xiqueta

Benissa Patron Saint Festivities in honor of the Puríssima Xiqueta. From April 26th to May 5th, 2024. This unique celebration draws hundreds of people from around the world. One of the highlights is the descent and ascent of the patron saint's image, an exciting...

The Marina Alta. The Paradise of Holiday Leisure

The Marina Alta. The Paradise of Holiday Leisure

Famous for its dream beaches and sunny climate. But if you are looking for more than just sand and sea, the Marina Alta is the perfect place for you. This charming region has a wide variety of options for leisure and recreation, from water sports to hiking in the...

The Best Selection of Villas

The Best Selection of Villas

The Costa Blanca is one of Spain's most popular tourist destinations, and for good reason. The area boasts an exceptional quality of life and unrivalled tourist luxury. If you are looking for a dream holiday, then the Costa Blanca is the perfect place for you. With...

The Travel Voucher is back as of 18 September 2023

The Travel Voucher is back as of 18 September 2023

From 18 September to 22 December 2023 a second period of enjoyment is open to apply for the tourist voucher of this programme promoted by the Generalitat Valenciana. The Bono Viaje aims to boost the local tourism sector and encourage Valencians to discover their own...

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Destinatarios: Cesiones y/o transferencias a terceras empresas y/o organismos tal y como se indica en la información adicional.
Derechos: Acceso, rectificación, oposición, limitación, así como otros derechos debidamente recogidos en la información adicional.
+ Información: Puede consultar información adicional al respecto a través del siguiente enlace POLITICA PRIVACIDAD.

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